Woke up this morning with pillow lines across my face, not sure if I could handle more riding, but once on the bike I realized there is no better way to see the country. Some photos from the day:
The hotel at Cocoa Beach:
I am titling this :
The Bell boy and the hot tub.
The ride leaving Cocoa Beach...hope to go back and visit again.
Stopped for lunch at publix. Best fried chicken in Florida :)
The bike before we hit the love bugs.
The bike after we hit the "love bugs",. This was not even the worst of it.
Stopped at Robert Is Here for Mango Milkshakes before heading to the Everglades. Yes it was an amazing milkshake, but I don;t know if it was better then my mango ice cream :)
From here we went to an AWESOME hotel in Key Largo. I am running a few days behind on getting things up, b/c we have been having such a great time and been totally zonked out at night. Coming soon... Key West, Dry Tortugas and more!
AMAZING!!! This is awesome guys! Can't wait to hear the rest of the adventures. Be safe. See you all back in NJ!